Dental Crowns Fort Pierce: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a custom-made cap or covering that fits over a damaged, decayed, or misshapen tooth, restoring its shape, strength, and appearance. Dental crowns are made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of these materials. They are designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking restoration.

In our comprehensive guide to dental crowns in Fort Pierce, we explore the various aspects of this essential dental treatment, from the types of dental crowns, the procedure, to the aftercare and maintenance.

Importance of Dental Crowns in Maintaining Oral Health

Dental crowns play a significant role in maintaining oral health, as they provide both functional and aesthetic benefits. Some of the reasons a dental crown might be needed include:

  • Protecting a weak tooth from further damage or breaking
  • Restoring a tooth that has been severely worn down
  • Covering and supporting a tooth with a large filling
  • Holding a dental bridge in place
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Improving the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth

By addressing these issues, dental crowns help prevent further oral health problems and enhance the overall quality of your smile. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the world of dental crowns in Fort Pierce throughout this comprehensive guide.

Types of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a versatile dental treatment option that can restore and protect damaged teeth. There are numerous dental crown materials available to cater to different needs and preferences. In this section, we will discuss the four different types of dental crowns: ceramic crowns, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, gold alloy crowns, and base metal alloy crowns.

Ceramic crowns

Ceramic crowns are made from a durable, tooth-colored material, making them aesthetically pleasing and ideal for front teeth. This type of dental crown is also a good option for individuals with metal allergies. Ceramic crowns are known to have good wear resistance, and with proper care, can last for many years.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns combine the benefits of both materials. PFM crowns offer strength and durability, thanks to the metal substructure, while maintaining a natural appearance due to the porcelain exterior. One downside of PFM crowns is the possibility of a metal margin becoming visible at the gumline over time.

Gold alloy crowns

Gold alloy crowns are composed of gold, copper, and other metals, resulting in a strong and durable dental restoration. They are less likely to chip or fracture and cause less wear to the opposing teeth. However, they may not be the first choice for those seeking a natural-looking crown.

Base metal alloy crowns

Base metal alloy crowns are made from non-noble metals that are highly resistant to corrosion and provide excellent strength. While they may not be the most aesthetic option, they require the least amount of healthy tooth removal before placement and are a cost-effective solution for damaged teeth.

The Dental Crown Procedure

Initial consultation and examination

The dental crown process begins with an initial consultation at our Fort Pierce office. During this appointment, our dentist will carefully examine your teeth, gums, and overall oral health to determine if a dental crown is the most appropriate treatment option for your particular situation. This examination may include X-rays, photographs, and other diagnostic tests.

Tooth preparation and impression taking

Once it has been determined that a dental crown is necessary, the tooth (or teeth) in question will require some preparation. This may involve removing any decayed or damaged portions of the tooth and shaping it to accommodate the crown. Next, the dentist will take an impression of your tooth and surrounding teeth. This impression will be used to create a custom-fitted crown that closely matches the appearance and function of your natural tooth.

Temporary crown placement

After tooth preparation and impression taking, a temporary crown will be placed to protect the prepared tooth while the permanent crown is being manufactured. This temporary crown will be made of a temporary material and will closely resemble your permanent crown, but it will not be as strong or durable.

Permanent crown placement

Once the permanent crown has been manufactured and is ready for placement, you will return to our office for the final step in the dental crown process. The temporary crown will be carefully removed, and the permanent crown will be cemented into place. Our dentist will ensure that the fit, appearance, and alignment of the crown are precise before securing it permanently. After the crown has been placed and any necessary adjustments have been made, you can enjoy the benefits of your newly restored tooth.

Dental Crowns Fort Pierce: A Comprehensive Guide The Dental Crown Procedure

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Cost of Dental Crowns in Fort Pierce

One of the main concerns when considering dental crowns is the cost involved. In this section, we will discuss the average price of dental crowns in Fort Pierce and the factors affecting it. Additionally, we will touch upon the role of insurance coverage and payment plans in mitigating the expenses.

Factors affecting the cost of dental crowns

The price of dental crowns in Fort Pierce can vary based on a variety of factors. Some of the most common factors include:

  • Material used: Dental crowns can be made of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, ceramic, or porcelain. The cost can vary based on the material chosen, with metallic crowns typically costing less than their ceramic or porcelain counterparts.
  • Dentist’s experience: The skill, expertise, and experience of the dentist involved can also influence the final cost of dental crowns.
  • Location: The cost of dental treatment tends to fluctuate depending on the geographical location of the dental clinic.
  • Additional work required: If additional procedures are needed (such as root canal treatment or dental fillings) before installing the dental crown, these will impact the overall cost.

Insurance coverage and payment plans

While dental insurance can help cover some or all of the costs associated with dental crowns, not all insurance plans provide the same level of coverage. It is essential to carefully review your policy or consult your insurance provider to understand the extent of your benefits.

Many dentists in Fort Pierce may offer various payment plans, including in-house financing or third-party financing options, to help patients better manage the costs associated with dental crowns and other dental treatments. Be sure to discuss these options with your dentist to determine the most affordable and convenient solution for you.

Choosing the Right Dental Crown Materials

When it comes to dental crowns in Fort Pierce, there are several factors to consider while choosing the perfect dental crown material for you. Here, we’ll discuss some of the most important aspects to keep in mind when making this decision.

Aesthetic considerations

Naturally, you’ll want your dental crown to seamlessly blend with your surrounding teeth. Different materials provide varying levels of aesthetics. For example, porcelain or ceramic crowns often look the most natural since they can be tailored to match the color of your existing teeth. However, metal crowns like gold or silver may not blend in as well.


When investing in a dental crown, it’s important to find a material that will last. Several factors can influence a crown’s durability, including your bite, the material itself, and how well your dentist places the crown. Generally, metal crowns are known to be very durable whereas all-porcelain crowns tend to be less so.


Some patients may be allergic or sensitive to certain dental materials like nickel. If you believe you may have a metal allergy, it’s vital to communicate with your dental professional to ensure that the chosen material is safe for you.


Different dental crown materials come at various price points. While budget may be a crucial factor in your decision-making process, it’s essential to balance the cost with other aspects such as durability, aesthetics, and biocompatibility to ensure the best overall outcome for your dental health.

Dental Crowns Fort Pierce: A Comprehensive Guide Choosing the Right Dental Crown Materials

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Caring for Your Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a popular restorative procedure in Fort Pierce, ensuring both functionality and aesthetics for patients in need. As with any dental treatment, it’s essential to care for your dental crowns properly to ensure they last and your oral health remains in top condition.

Maintaining Proper Oral Hygiene

Once your dental crown is in place, maintain a regular oral hygiene routine to keep it clean and protect the underlying tooth. You should brush your teeth twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Flossing daily is also crucial in preventing plaque buildup and gum disease around the crown. Additionally, consider incorporating an antimicrobial mouthwash into your routine to further reduce bacteria and plaque.

Regular Dental Checkups

Visiting your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings is vital to ensure the longevity of your dental crown. Regular checkups allow your dentist to monitor your crown’s condition and make any necessary adjustments. Professional cleanings help remove stubborn plaque and tartar, keeping your gums and teeth healthy.

Avoiding Damaging Habits

Protect your dental crown by avoiding certain habits that can cause harm. Refrain from chewing on hard objects, like ice or pens, which can crack or chip your crown. If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, discuss a custom mouthguard with your dentist to protect your crown and teeth during sleep. Maintaining a well-balanced diet and reducing sugary foods further contributes to overall dental crown care.

Common Dental Crown Issues and Solutions

In this section, we will discuss common issues that patients may experience with dental crowns and offer solutions. Dental crowns are an effective solution for many dental problems, but it is essential to be aware of potential issues and how to resolve them.

Sensitivity after crown placement

It’s not uncommon to experience some sensitivity after a crown placement. Usually, this sensitivity resolves on its own within a few days to weeks. However, if the sensitivity persists or worsens, we recommend contacting your dentist. They may suggest using a toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth or adjusting the bite surface of the crown.

Loose or dislodged crowns

Sometimes, dental crowns can become loose or dislodged. If you notice any changes in the fit of your crown or experience pain, contact your dentist immediately. They can re-cement the crown or determine if a replacement is necessary. Avoid trying to reattach the crown at home as improper reattachment can cause further problems.

Chipped or broken crowns

Dental crowns can chip or break, especially if you frequently chew on hard objects or grind your teeth. If your crown chips or breaks, contact your dentist promptly. Depending on the extent of the damage, they may need to replace the crown or repair it with dental bonding material.

In all these situations, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss any issues with your dental crowns. They can provide personalized solutions and guidance to ensure your crowns remain functional and comfortable.

Dental Crowns Fort Pierce: A Comprehensive Guide Common Dental Crown Issues and Solutions

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Importance of dental crowns in restoring oral health

Dental crowns play a significant role in maintaining and restoring oral health. They provide a durable and long-lasting solution for various dental issues such as tooth decay, cracks, discoloration, or worn-down teeth. Dental crowns not only improve the aesthetics of our smile, but they also strengthen and protect damaged teeth, reducing the chances of further deterioration and potential tooth loss. In addition, dental crowns can improve our overall oral health by providing a more stable and functional bite.

Choosing the right dental professional in Fort Pierce

In order to ensure the best results and a positive experience in obtaining dental crowns, it is crucial to choose the right dental professional in Fort Pierce. The ideal dental professional should possess extensive experience and expertise in dental crown procedures, utilizing modern techniques and equipment. Furthermore, it is essential to consider the dental professional’s personality and communication skills, as this will impact our comfort and trust during the process.

When researching dental professionals in Fort Pierce, we recommend looking at reviews and testimonials from previous patients, as well as asking for recommendations from friends, family, or other healthcare professionals. Schedule a consultation with potential dental professionals to discuss our specific needs and to gauge their level of expertise and personal rapport.

By taking the time to understand dental crowns’ importance and to select the right dental professional in Fort Pierce, we can successfully achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile.

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